Student Reactions

# Student's thoughts and feelings on their trip to AAS #244 in Madison, WI.

"I thought the AAS was a wonderful experience! I learned a lot from talking to the people there, and from hearing the thoughts and questions they had about my projects. I would definitely recommend it to other undergrads and I hope the consortium is able to keep bringing future students."
"It felt special to attend this meeting as an undergraduate. It was fun, educational, and gave a tremendous sense of accomplishment."
“I really enjoyed attending and presenting at the AAS meeting. It was an incredible experience, especially with so many MACRO posters! I also enjoyed seeing all of the professors and grad students present! Everyone had very nice, clear presentations. Thank you for this wonderful opportunity!”
"I had a great time and am very fortunate to be a part of MACRO and all the work it has accomplished this past year! It felt really cool to present at the poster session."
"Honestly, I was both excited and nervous about the whole thing. With each person I talked to it got easier. The talks that we went to on the other days were fun and interesting and I did learn new things."
"The trip was fantastic and near perfect. I had a lot of fun in Madison. My only wish is that we were there longer so I could visit more people and see more posters and talk to more people. "
"It was an amazing experience. I was exhilarated when I attended because I got to see so many talented individuals with the same passions as mine. I really liked the community and the platform AAS provided for students and professors to show what they have been working on. I enjoyed every single thing and every single person I met during the AAS conference."
“I really enjoyed presenting and attending the AAS meeting. It was interesting to see what others were researching and be able to talk to them about it so that I could learn more. I also loved connecting with the people who came to ask about my own research because of what we could teach each other about both the data and about the topic in general. I definitely would like to go to another meeting and present again.”