John Cannon Seminar on MACRO Consortium

Professor John M. Cannon delivers an amazing seminar on MACRO

This past Wednesday, Professor John M. Cannon gave a seminar on the MACRO Consortium at Macalester College. To start off the seminar, John gave a brief history of the formation of the MACRO Consortium. Highlighting the achievements of the students, John mentions Pyscope's creation by Will Golay, a graduate from the University of Iowa who is now a student at Harvard and Smithsonian. John also talks about the MACRO special session at AAS #244 and the 20 posters presented there. Cain Rinkoski, a senior at Macalester, was particularly noteworthy as John highlights his contributions and dedication to MACRO by leading the research into STLMi, the project for the inaugural summer session. John ends the seminar with a brief introduction into the future major projects.



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